صيانة وتسريع الجهاز Tuneup utilities 2013

طبعا البرنامج غنى عن التعريف فى صيانة و تسريع نظام تشغيل
- تنظيف الريجستري (تسجيل النظام ) Windows registry cleaner
- تنظيف الجهاز Disk cleaner
- التحكم ببرامج بدء التشغيل Start up manager
- التحكم بالأيقونات وأحجامها وشكل الويندوز
- تنظيف وتسريع الذاكرة Optimize free memory
- تسريع الانترنت accelerate downloads & internet surfing
- إصلاح أخطاء الدرايف correct error on hard disk drives
- حذف الملفات بشكل لا يمكن فيه استرجاعها
- استرجاع الملفات المحذوفة
والعديد من الادوات
متوافق مع جميع اصدرات الونداوز

The Most Powerful Tuneup Utilities of All Time!

1- Boosts PC speed by up to 50%, all thanks to Program Deactivator 2012
2- Extends battery life with an all-new TuneUp Economy Mode
3- Saves power by up to 30% and upgrades PCs with an enhanced power management
4- over 30 tools in 1: more speed, better stability, less problems

TuneUp Utilities 2012 is a suite of tools for cleaning up, optimising, fixing, customising, and generally getting the maximum possible from your PC.
The program organises its tools into 4 sections.
The first, "Optimise system", contains options to clean and defragment your Registry, control your Windows startup programs, uninstall unwanted apps, remove broken shortcuts, defragment your hard drive and more.
The second, "Gain disk space", helps you locate and remove unnecessary files that may be cluttering your hard drive.
The "Fix problems" section can restore accidentally deleted files, scan your hard drive for errors, display system information, and solve common Windows problems at a click.
And the "Customize Windows" section is an entire Windows tweaking tool in its own right. You can change system icons and visual styles, replace the Windows logon screen, locate and downloaded entire Windows themes at no charge, adjust your Start menu, Taskbar and Animation settings, and tinker with more than 100 Windows settings via the TuneUp tool.
If you enjoy a hands-on approach then you can explore each of these tools manually. But if you prefer an easy life, the TuneUp Utilities can simply be left to maintain your PC automatically. And then, every three days, while your system is idle, the program will hunt down Windows problems and fix them, while you get on with more important matters.
The new 2012 edition ships with a small number of new functions such as the new Economy Mode. This is a detailed power management application that enables you to examine and turn-off energy sapping features and much more. An ideal way of saving battery power.
The TuneUp Program Deactivator is much improved. You are now able to simply start and stop running applications when required, particularly to prevent software from slowing your computer. Rather than uninstalling, shut off software and then restart it at a later date

حجم البرنامج: 30 ميجا بايت

عملاق صيانة وتسريع الجهاز Tuneup utilities 2013   التفعيل 
 TuneUp Utilities

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